Marja-Leena Rathje
Home ::: garden therapy

garden therapy


morning sunshine
a rare event
eyes blinded

cleaning garden
finding green shoots
buried under fall leaves
liberate to air and light

garden therapy for them
for me



Marja-Leena | 06/03/2007 | 13 comments
themes: Being an Artist, Canada and BC, Photography


You are kidding with those croci, of course, right? We're -28 C tonight...

Peter, not kidding! It climbed to 17C at noon, our first warm day. It's now turned dark and cloudy again, with MORE rain coming. I think the lengthening days are signalling these early spring flowers into action though we had snow and night frosts -2C last week. They are late this year, though I suppose compared to the east...

Oh, crocuses - really?? It didn't get above 15 degrees F here today, with strong winds besides. It will be quite awhile yet for our crocuses to come up!

Leslee - Winter came late to your part of the country, and it's slow to leave, eh. Here's sending you wishes for spring to arrive soon!
We really don't feel like we've had spring yet, just these odd few hours here and then that we must grab and enjoy when we can.

Perfect words to sum up the joy of gardening. Your image has made me homesick for the UK, where the crocus was one of my favourite flowers!

Hi Duchess! Nice to have you visit, all the way from Oz! So the crocus won't grow there? Is it because the winters aren't cold enough? Ah well, you have many other glorious and unique plants that aren't found anywhere else, but I do know what it means to have favourites from the past.

I can not wait....

MB - I hope spring comes your way soon!

Upeaa luonnon kauneutta, kuin herkällä kädellä tehtyä käsityötä tuo kuultava lehti. Ja krookuksia kukkimassa? Huh-huh, meillä lumipeite hallitsee vielä vahvasti maisemaa. Mutta ilmassa tuoksuu jo kevät!

Gorgeous, ML.
Hope the blog's all better now.

Viides rooli, Kiitos käynnistä ja kommentista. Toivon että kevät tulee Suomeen pian!

Lucy, thanks. All seems fine now.

Oh these are so delicate. We have them here too.

TG - Oh, I remember admiring your photos of the field of snowdrops, so I'm sure you have plenty of crocus flowers too - and daffodils already! I think your spring is far ahead of ours this year.