Marja-Leena Rathje
Home ::: summer's end

summer's end


In these last days of August, I'm feeling lazy and lingering, almost as if I'm holding on to summer a little bit longer. Not so much the heat of summer, for I'm not fond of that, but the light, I think. And the beauty of the garden. I notice how the sun rises later and farther to the south. As it makes its way to the west a bit lower in the sky each day, I notice that it doesn't shine in through the window next to me here quite as much in the late afternoon, shaded now by the trees. More and more of the garden remains in shade cast by the surrounding tall trees. The mornings are deliciously cool and moist with dew, the afternoons still hot. This summer was not as dry as some years so there aren't too many yellow leaves on the ground yet.

Summer isn't really over yet, but it seems to be a new season after the Labour Day long weekend coming up, with all the children going back to school after that. It's a time of reflection for me, of remembering childhood years of school, then university, then teaching and finally as a parent sending my children off to new adventures every September. I remember my own anticipation tinged with a little fear on those first days of school, skipping in new shoes through crisp leaves in the gorgeous Indian summer days in Winnipeg, the very best time of the year there, I thought. Ah, nostalgia. I thought that was something older people do more, but even Erika has been nostalgic.

Back to the present, there's something exciting to look forward to early Saturday morning on the first day of September, If you live along the west coast of North and South America. If you happen to be awake at 4:30 am, or decide to set your alarm, look for the Aurigid meteor shower, one that I'd not heard about before, but learned about from Feathers of Hope. I hope it's going to be clear!

Another thing I'm looking forward to with September is the return to the printmaking studio and seeing old friends there, and meeting new, and getting back to printing. I'm also participating in a group show coming up soon, but that will be the subject of another post.

Happy (long) weekend, dear readers. Welcome to September.

PS. September 1st:
I almost forgot. Tomorrow is International Rock-Flipping Day! Check it out and do heed the warnings. You all know I'm crazy about rocks, so tomorrow I shall investigate what lives under some of them.

Marja-Leena | 30/08/2007 | 10 comments
themes: Being an Artist, Culture


I have always been nostalgic! or at least the last 4 years.

Fall officially begins the 21st/22nd of September so we're not *quite* there yet, but yes, fall has basically always begun for me the day after Labour Day, despite what autumn is doing. Crunching of leaves, blackberry fragrance, cool mornings and hot afternoons. Mmm, like I said: embrace this time of year! I went to Kits Beach all by my lonesome today and enjoyed it despite unexpectedly cloudy, windy weather but the water was lovely for wading! (Lots of w's.) It's still a very popular spot!

September already, gosh!

Here in Brittany we are still waiting for our summer.I hope that, having been cheated out of our sunshine, we are at least blessed by a snowy winter!

Hey Erika! Glad you are enjoying yourself. Speaking of blackberries, we went for a walk the other evening and found loads of juicy sweet blackberries. We stuffed ourselves - that was our dessert!

Mouse, sorry to hear your weather hasn't improved. Maybe you will have a lovely fall followed by wondrous snow. Enjoy each day!

Brittany doesn't really do much in the way of autumn colour,too maritime a climate. But September light and weather is often lovely anywhere (Northern hemisphere anyway), and somehow I think because we don't have such high expectations of it, we appreciate more perhaps.

Lucy, what a thrill to have so many comments from you today! We're maritime here too, and can't compete with the colours in the interior, but some years it's a bit more spectacular. Many parks and gardens often have certain trees that are noted for their fall colour. Our native vine maples are great too. We do have more evergreens here, which keeps things green all year.

I love lingering used as an adjective. It is a good thing to feel. Suggestive of summer and equilibrium. I shall remember you when next I am lucky enough to feel it.

Kesä on loppunut. Kaunista syksyä Sinulle!

Joe - 'lingering' just felt right to convey the mood and I'm glad you think so too!

Hey Anna, meidän pitkä viikonlopu muuttui sateiseksi jotta tuntui että syksy tuli jo. Kyllä kauniita kesäisiä päiviä vielä tulee ennen täyttä syksyä, vaikka yöt viilenevät. Toivon Sinullekin kaunista syksyä!

Yes, I agree that the bittersweet feel to September is the lessening light. It is so beautiful during the day with its golden slant, but undeniably evening falls before I am ready to give up the day.

Have a happy September!

Loretta, yes it's bittersweet. (I loved your post on this subject!) But now that I've gone back to the printmaking studio, I do feel excited by the 'new year' and all the events suddenly beginning to fill up the calendar. There's a switch to an intellectual and creative and social side that has been a bit subdued during those lazy days of summer. Though I too find the earlier darkness is a shock.