Marja-Leena Rathje
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Marja-Leena | 19/11/2010 | 4 comments
themes: Canada and BC


Jerry said, "This is not nice snow." (it's heavy and wet, not like the dry powder of Alaska), the cat wouldn't go out this morning, and when the poodles came in from their morning pee they had wet ice balls stuck on them which dropped all over the house.

But the picture is lovely.

Anne, I know, the snow out this part of the continent is usually very wet and heavy. Did you get that snowstorm that blew through last night? We were just heading for bed when it started - big fat snowflakes sticking to every branch - so lovely! But the huge trees around us were being tossed mightily. This morning it was already melting here at sea level but more may be on the way over the next few days. It's getting very cold, -7C tonight, so I've just been bringing in a few more plants and tucking pots next to the house. Winter's here!

ooooo -- doesn't look like my vision of the west! You've much more than we've had so far!

Beth, yes, we're experiencing an early and wide spread La Niña winter out west of you, it seems! It may change to the usual rain here by the end of the week.