A New Digital Art Center

This is good news for digital artists. At art.blogging.la Caryn writes “Bring on the Technology”:
“I like digital artists, those who are utilizing digital tools as the sole medium to create their artwork. It has stirred up valuable conversations as to how comfortable people are with this form of making work, authenticity issues, and talent questioning (so help me if I hear the “I could do that” one more time…). And though it’s all lumped under “digital” this type of medium is actually quite diverse […]
Because I think that digital art is valuable, I’m so pleased that Los Angeles will now have the Los Angeles Center for Digital Art. Their mission is “Mission: Los Angeles Center For Digital Art is dedicated to the propagation of all forms of digital art, supporting local, international, emerging and established artists.”

April 6, 2004 in Digital printmaking, Tools and technology by Marja-Leena