a gift


This morning’s mail brought me an exciting packet from London, England – from artist-blogger pal Karen D’Amico!** I was thrilled to find about a dozen wonderful 18 x 14 cm. black and white photographs of closeups of rocks that Karen had taken herself and offered to me to use in my work if suitable. In addition, she has included a lovely postcard image of one of her works “Burnt Offerings” that I like very much, AND a copy of TANGENT, her newly launched art-zine.

The photos are really beautiful, Karen, thank you so much for your amazing generosity!! I look forward to having them in my image library to use when serendipity strikes as I play around with ideas and materials. Above is my favourite photo that I’ve just scanned in tonight to share with my dear readers.

By the way, Karen and I had an interesting virtual conversation recently that you might like to read, in case you missed it.

** Reedited March 15th, 2013 during a blog tidy-up: Karen has not been at this blog address for some years, so link had been removed. I have now quite accidentally found her new eponymous website: Karen Ay

July 11, 2005 in Being an Artist, Photography by Marja-Leena