Marja-Leena Rathje
Home ::: artist's hand

artist's hand


Many Finnish bloggers have jumped on board Valokuvatorstai or Photo Thursday. Each week on Thursday a new theme is presented. You are to take a digital photo inspired by that theme, post it on your blog, then email the link to the site above within the week. I've been asked to participate a couple of times and this week the theme of 'hands, paws and limbs' got me thinking about the self-portrait that I did the other day. I'm discovering an irresistable connection here.

Our digital camera is big and heavy, so it was challenging taking a photo with my left hand, a finger over the shutter button while the right hand is 'drawing'. I really should have set up a tripod. But, ta da - here it is - the artist's hand at work!

LATER: Maria, who is Valokuvatorstai's co-author along with Tui, commented below that Valokuvatorstai was modelled on several other similar "inspiration" blogs, but is not associated with Photo Thursday. That was just my translation of the Finnish name for non-Finn readers.

Marja-Leena | 17/06/2006 | 11 comments
themes: Being an Artist, Blogging


Hello Marja-Leena.
Kiva, että otit haasteen vastaan. Olen itsekin kokeillut tuota samaa otosta: yhdessä kädessä kynä, toisessa kamera. Se on hankalaa etenkin jos kamera on painava. Hieno lopputulos kaikesta huolimatta!!

Valokuvatorstai on perustettu ulkomaisista "inspisblogeista" mallia ottaen (Illustration Friday, Self-Portrait Tuesday, Photo Friday, Photo Thursday, Poetry Sunday jne.), mutta ei ole yhteydessä alkuperäiseen Photo Thursdayhin, joka myös pyörii netissä.

Kiinnostavan kaksitahoinen kuva. Käsi työssään, piirtämässä rajoja itselle. Kaksi rajattua näkemystä tekijään.

Kiitos Maria ja Tui! Kiitos teille myös tästä inspis-blogista joka näyttää olevan hyvin suosittu suomalaisten bloggaajien kanssa.

Great idea! Alas, my Finn is not up to the terms of the blog, so this Englantilainen will have to pass...

Oh Peter, we must have been commenting on each other's blogs at the same time! If you're really interested (and anyone else reading this) I'd be most happy to provide translations and directions.

Excellent follow-up on your last two self-portraits. The "negative" one is great too. I love this going off into new directions from a starting-off point and this marathon certainly is encouraging adventure.

Thanks, Natalie! This does relate to the self-portraits, one is an inspiration for the other.

I like this - the artist being an artist. Perfect!

I like this picture and also your self-portrait. Your self-portrait looks Finnish - and it does not look Finnish, it's an interesting combination of two cultures that become something completely new.

Anna, that's a very interesting observation! I do look quite Finnish with my genes but of course there is something Canadian there I suppose, having lived most of my life here. Whether that has affected my looks...?? Anyway, I do love to talk about my heritage a lot on my blog, as well as about being Canadian.