Brian Eno on culture

(a deep-etched copperplate of mine)

Scribblingwoman recommended having a look at a post over at wood s lot about Brian Eno and A Big Theory of Culture.

This is essentially an interview of Brian Eno about his book, A Year With Swollen Appendices – long but very fascinating and inspiring reading. Here are a few excerpts to pique your interest:

The informed viewer or listener is invited to think like an artist and therefore in a sense to become an artist. This is good for art and good for civilization…

We see what a good artist does with his mind all day. It’s inspiring.

“is there a way of understanding why humans continuously and constantly and without exception engage in cultural activity?” We don’t know of human groups that don’t produce something that we would call art. It seems to be something that we are biologically inclined to do. If we are, then what is the nature of that drive? What is it doing for us?

The first assumption is that all human groups engage in something that we would call artistic behavior – if they are at all capable of it, that is if they are beyond the most basic problems of survival – and even when they aren’t, they will engage in decorative, ornamental, and often very complex stylistic behavior.

This is the point at which there is a deep connection between art and science: each is a highly organized form of pretending; of saying “let’s see what would happen if the world was like this.”

One of the things art does also is to remind you constantly of this process that you’re most of the time engaged in – the process of metaphor-making.

and much more…. recommended reading!

This has taken the earlier posted discussions of Why Make Art? to a higher level.

May 16, 2004 in Being an Artist, Concepts, Culture by Marja-Leena