introducing poplar road

© Anita Rathje

Warning: the following story is not suitable for young readers or anyone with a sentimental attachment to rodents (or chocolates, for that matter).
[…] I felt inspired to relate the latest in our little Nutcracker battle, which began, appropriately, just after Christmas. The onset of the warm weather must have encouraged a new mouse dynasty to move into the neighbourhood, because we hadn’t been plagued with them for quite a while and thinking them vanquished, I’d forgotten to be vigilant. The first sign that while we were away for Christmas, creatures were, in fact, stirring quite boldly, came when we arrived home on the 27th.

Continue reading Hickory Dickory Dock – it is hilarious!

This is the funniest post coming out of poplar road, which is written by our daughter Anita. She started this blog in the fall of 2004 when she and her partner moved to the interior of BC, far from family and friends. Anita says it is a venue for her to share their new life in a rural community and an opportunity to write creatively in a relaxed way. She combines lots of beautiful photos with her descriptions of their renovation adventures, the definite and changing seasons, the surrounding countryside, and the neighbour’s darling llamas, goats and their babies.

Because her intended audience consists of family and friends, Anita has been shy to let me tell strangers/my readers about her blog but now, with her approval, I’m proud to introduce you to poplar road – ta da! Please visit and say hello! Anita is a wonderful writer with a degree in creative writing from the University of Victoria.

You may recall my post about our visit to poplar road last Thanksgiving. Anita posted some photos of our visit too.

March 6, 2006 in Being an Artist, Blogging by Marja-Leena