Marja-Leena Rathje
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looking up


Marja-Leena | 04/02/2009 | 6 comments
themes: Nature, Photoworks


We're comin' round to Spring again!

Rouchswalwe, yes, we are! It's been very spring-like here lately, the snowdrops are blooming, late but here! The other day it was 11C (almost 52 F), so wonderful after a very cold winter. I've been out doing a little cleaning up in the garden.

That's about the temperature they are predicting for us today ... nothing blooming yet though. My little crocus is normally the first to make an appearance here and I am on tenterhooks.

Interesting how the clouds form a circle!

Rouchswalwe, it's exciting to watch out for those first spring flowers.What part of the US do you live in? In very warm early springs we might get some early crocuses blooming about now, though usually a bit later this month. This year they will be late.

Joe, yes, I found them quite fascinating.

Marja-Leena, I'm on the northern edge of Ohio's Appalachian region. Perfectly situated for bird migration, which is picking up this weekend. That's another way I know spring is almost here.