Marja-Leena Rathje
Home ::: rain on snow

rain on snow


This may be the last snow photo for a while. Oh, it's been snowing here again since noon. However rising temperatures will change it to rain soon, according to the weather forecast. Our short-lived white wonderland will be washed away and it will be a dreadful wet mess as the rain saturates the piles of snow and creates flooding. Yuck, I dislike rain on top of snow.

I spent today working at home on my Christmas card design, so tomorrow I really want to get to the studio to print! We will see in the morning....where are my rubbers?

Marja-Leena | 29/11/2006 | 9 comments
themes: Being an Artist, Photography


Your own Christmas cards? Neat (and understandable, of course...). Do you mind reproducing one on your blog?

Yes, Peter, some years I make my own cards. I was planning on posting it here closer to Christmas. You may be interested in seeing the blog version of the one I made last year. It's based on a photograph of frost fractals on a skylight.

Dave, thanks - I know how you love trees!

Dang -- this reminds me so much of Mondrian's Grey Tree.

As always, a delight to come by and see what you've seen.

Lori, that's amazing, and that you saw that! The pleasure is mutual, you know.

I can't wait to see what you come up with for this year's card! And I love the connection Lori made to Mondrian's tree.

MB, this year's card isn't very exciting, being more traditional because I left it too late and didn't give myself enough time. Just a warning...

M-L, excitement isn't always required. Somehow I have confidence that it will be a good one, no matter what. ;-)

MB, you are too kind, thank you. I got them all printed yesterday, cut and trimmed, and under boards to flatten them. I hope to start writing a few this weekend to go to family in Finland.