travel update


Time for a quick travel update while we’re having a much-needed restful pause here in London at our daughter’s home. We’ve seen and experienced so much around here as well as trips to Birmingham, Brighton, Tunbridge Wells and several ancient sites like Stonehenge and Avebury (above). We’ve met extended family, friends and several blog-friends, all truly wonderful and generous people, like old friends already. We’ve had to cut back on some side trips for we realized we are trying to do too much and we still have much to see here in London as well as one more blogger to meet before we leave on the 14th for a week in Paris.

I can barely manage to scribble a few notes in my travel diary each night to capture the impressions of each incredible day. I have much to share. My husband’s laptop is still a bit foreign to me as well. As the postcards of the past used to say… wish you were here!

May 9, 2009 in Being an Artist, Culture, Travel by Marja-Leena