winter sun and frost

We have had several days of sunshine at long last. As often happens here when the cloud cover is gone, it gets quite cold. At night it’s been as cold as -5C (23F) so there’s frost on the skylights in our unheated solarium, and a thick layer building up on the shady areas of the lawn, looking like snow. Each night the full moon has been a brilliant platinum disc creating patterns of light on the floors indoors so I have no need of lights in my night crawls, just a mythical feeling. What a difference a clear sky makes.


Granddaughter Lael thought these frost fractals on her window look like birds. (Photo by Elisa Rathje)


We did not have frost art this time, just solid white, but the morning thaws created interesting patterns.


Frozen puddles are irresistible to children – and photographers.


I love the sun shining into the kitchen in the morning.
This morning’s cloud in the east gave a brief and glorious show of colour.
And the sun is back now.
There’s a chance of snow this weekend – I hope so!

January 24, 2008 in Canada and BC, Home by Marja-Leena