more witchiness



Thinking about witchy trees has been making me see even witchy seeds.

Last Thursday at dusk, before it was fully dark we were stunned by a huge bright full moon and it’s sparkling reflection over the water. Was it that bright moon that woke me about 3 am and had me wandering through the house spellbound by the bands of moonlight shining across the floors? Outside was bright with a cool light and a sparkle of a light frost on the deck railings… the first frost. What spirits kept me awake?

Making yet another cup of herbal tea in the kitchen still later, a very bright light in the eastern sky caught my eye. At first I thought it was an airplane coming in, but it did not move and was non-twinkling and too big to be a star, so it had to be a planet. Yes, the net told me it’s Venus and this full moon was actually the Hunter’s Moon!

What witchiness to keep me awake to watch the moonlight and planet light merging into the slow return of daylight and a spooky fog rolling in.

October 28, 2007 in Being an Artist, Current Events, Home by Marja-Leena