Marja-Leena Rathje
Home ::: THREE!



ONE, TWO, now THREE years of blogging!

I've surprised myself, when I recall my very tentative beginnings with this "art" project, as I like to think of it.

Thank you all for your inspiration, encouragement and warm friendship.

UPDATE: Oh, a blog birthday gift! A photo of mine has been posted over at qarrtsiluni. Go have a look and check out the other work, too! Comments are welcome and appreciated. Should you be a first time visitor to this online journal of creative writing and visual art, please consider submitting a piece. The current theme (which changes about every two months) is "Come Outside".

Marja-Leena | 01/02/2007 | 28 comments
themes: Being an Artist, Blogging


Onnitteluni, Marja-Leena! Toivotan puhtia myös tulevia kirjoituksia varten. Blogiasi on ilo lukea. Ja vinkkisi ovat aidosti kiinnostavia. Kiitos niistä.


Tästä on hyvä jatkaa... Just go on!

Happy Third Blog-birthday, Marja-Leena! I love the illustration, and your Janus etching even more.

Well, let me be the first to congratulate you! Happy blogiversary, Marja-Leena. I can't remember exactly when I found your blog, er, art project, but I've enjoyed it very much. Wishing you continued creative fun with it!

Happy blogday to you!! Love those textures and color blends.

Hei Viides Rooli ja Iines! Kiitos, on suurenmoista saada Suomesta asti onnittelut!

Jean, leslee, Tall girl, and MB! Thank you so much, my friends.

Congratualions, Marja-Leena! Thanks for sticking around, and I wish you many more blogdays.

Nice numeral, BTW.

The direct link to your photo is incorrect. It's here:

Dave, thanks for the good wishes, you've been a long-time reader, which I appreciate very much! Thanks also for noticing my sloppy error - it's now corrected!

Félicitations, Marja-Leena! Three years! I'm so happy for your companionship and friendship in this wonderful "space" we both inhabit! Here's to many more years of blogging and creating.

Beth, thanks so much, and I feel the same, as I've "known" you almost as long as I've been a blogger!

Lucy, thanks for the cheer!

Paljon onnea! Blogisi on myös silta Kanadan ja Suomen välillä.

Kiitos Anna! On mukava olla se silta! Bloggaaminen on pienentänyt mailmaa, eikös niin?

To Interested Readers: Anna said that my blog is a bridge between Canada and Finland. I'm pleased that she thinks so. Blogging certainly has made the world smaller!

Friday, March 10, 2006 10:02 PM is when we met. You became my inspiration, my guide, my trusted friend who has given me so much pleasure with your art-work and many talents. The very first Blog I read - the best of the best. My heartfelt thanks and congratulations on your third successful year Marja-Leena. Keep Blogging - you have much more to share with all your fellow Bloggers, fans and followers. Keora Tekia Rahoa - Person with magical thoughts!

Roger, omigod! You actually remember the date and time of meeting (online of course)! What's my husband going to think, heh!? You are making me blush. Thank you for your kind sweet words, it's been a pleasure knowing you, and all because you found my blog.

Well, after all that I'm not going to inflate your head any further. You're not a bad old Blogger really - as my continuing presence after three years visiting will attest.

Anna (of UK) - thank you for your long time loyalty and wit - we've had a wonderful ride together, haven't we!? I look forward to continuing the journey together.

It is a pleasure to encounter enthusiasm, especially in this case when so many aspects of your interests coincide with my own. This year I am spending but a small fraction of the time I used to in reading blogs, but yours is always one I'm eager to read. I am very glad that you enjoy writing it, and thus give such pleasure and interest to me and so many others.

Olga, thank you! I really appreciate this, coming from you who are so articulate and passionate about the creative act. I'm so happy to know you!

Happy third blogyear, dear Marja-Leena, I love your gorgeous number 3, it's a perfect celebratory symbol. I too feel as if we've been friends always. May your work and website continue to brighten many lives.

Natalie, thanks ever so much! As another printmaker, artist and blogger we have a lot in common. You may be interested to know that the number is cut out from an old collagraph proof and scanned with a black cloth behind it. I had fun making this birthday card for my blog!

Congratulations, Marja-Leena! I'm so happy to see this gorgeous "3"!

Pica, thank you, my pleasure!

I'm rather late to everything just now but happy blogday. Looking forward to many years to come (all encountered slightly late of course).

Dem, thanks so much, my new friend! I'm so happy to hear from you.