Canada Day


Happy 138th Birthday Canada!

In honour of the day, the Canadian and inestimable mirabilis has posted a wonderful link to the origins of “O Canada”. Calixa Lavallée composed it in 1880 in Quebec City. It remained a French only anthem for some 20 years before it was performed in English Canada in 1901. Several translations later, Stanley Weir’s was published in 1908. It wasn’t until 1980 that it was officially made Canada’s official anthem! I remember singing it as a child in school, along with “God Save the Queen”, so I suppose it was an “unofficial” national anthem for many years.

There are more Canadian links from the other inestimable Canadian wood s lot. He’s also posted some wonderful Lauren Harris paintings!


Oh, and a happy new month, too! My youngest daughter, when she was little, would always cheerfully call this out with the turn of a calendar page. Tonight she is off to the fireworks with her boyfriend.

July 1, 2005 in Canada and BC, Culture by Marja-Leena