a new day


Tom Montag and I have collaborated once again to create a postcard with a short poem called A New Day for Postal Poetry. Though they accepted this some time ago, the editors Dana Guthrie Martin and Dave Bonta have cleverly chosen to post it today, an exciting new day and the start of a hopeful new era in the USA. Thank you!

This gives me a perfect opportunity to offer congratulations and best wishes to President Barack Obama, his wife Michelle and their daughters, a lovely first family in Washington. Congratulations and a big thank you also to all the people who voted for him!

Yes, I caught some of that Obamamania even here in Canada. I watched the inauguration on television with awed fascination over the immense crowds, the huge staging and organization, the pomp and ceremony like nothing we have here in Canada. This unique and historical inauguration moved me though perhaps not quite as much as that fantastic night in Chicago. It was the first one I’ve ever watched, says something, eh?

January 21, 2009 in Blogging, Current Events by Marja-Leena