hand in worship


artist’s hand with physalis, first published in qarrtsiluni

Hands have been a major preoccupation of mine as I once wrote about here. When qarrtsiluni put out a call for submissions on the theme of worship, I began to think of the meaning of that word in a somewhat less than usual religious context.

I was inspired once again by the idea of how my hands are so much a part of me as a human being and as an artist, not just for the act of creating art but also for holding, observing and treasuring special found objects. I started to explore this idea by scanning my hand as if in the act of drawing, rather like when I had photographed my hand some years ago. I continued to make a small series of scans of my hand holding certain objects that are precious to me, as if in worship of those small things that make up this world we live in. I submitted several of these to qarrtsiluni’s guest editors and was thrilled when they were all selected.

These are now up today, including the image above. I hope you enjoy the artist’s hand as well as the other marvelous entries in qarrtsiluni’s worship issue.

P.S. Editor Dave Bonta told me that this is my 16th post at qarrtsiluni. I cannot believe it and must check out the archives in the author index.

P.S.2: Here is an earlier scan of a physalis, a favourite of mine.

almost September


The last of the summer’s visitors are gone but this late summer heat wave still slows me down. My thoughts are swinging to my return to the printmaking studio after the Labour Day long weekend in September. Many ideas have been incubating over the summer but now I need to try to see what comes together in new printworks. It’s always a slow process for me to restart that engine, turning ideas into action and getting into a regular smooth and productive flow. It’s rather like the annual back-to-school change in rhythm which we have all grown up with, and which continued for me through art school and teaching, then sending my own children to school and me to the print studio each fall.

It helps me to begin with some play with images, even if unrelated to the print projects. I am doing a series of scans with my hands and objects (for an online project that I may tell you about later). This image seems timely for me right now.

Beaty Biodiversity Museum – 2





Here are some closer detail shots of the massive Blue Whale at the Beaty that I could not resist sharing. Looking at the image of the bones in a human hand, isn’t it astonishing how similar they are to the bones of the whale flipper?

In case you missed it, please read the previous post in this short series about the Beaty Biodiversity Museum that so enthralled us on our first visit there. Don’t miss the informative and interesting slide shows and videos.

And here are Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 and Part 7.

little ballerinas

I had some fun with action photography.
I love the results because these look like paintings with cool ghostly effects.


…inspired by this week’s theme ‘lapsi’ (child) at Valokuvatorstai (PhotoThursday)

my left foot


after hands, come feet…



studying hands
reading about hands
inspired by hands
pressing hands into medium
scanning hand

(Later: See the hand prints that followed)

self-portrait 6


Here’s another self-portrait, one that turned out rather Andy Warhol-ish, don’t you agree? Maybe it’s also a reflection of my overheated mind and body as the temperatures continue to be HOT here!

Here are the other ones that I’ve contributed to the self-portrait marathon: the first self-portrait, the second, the third, the fourth and the fifth.

And the super slide-show of the participants’ portraits. There are a few days left to join in as it ends on July 8th.

self-portrait 5


Here’s my latest contribution to the self-portrait marathon.

In case you missed the earlier ones in my series, here is the the first self-portrait, the second, the third, the fourth.

View the fantastic slide-show of the participants’ portraits, for which we must give Sparky a huge thank you! And, the marathon is still going strong until July 8th so it’s not too late to join in the fun!